Not that we've never been political - we've written letters to the government about various issues, both to local governments and to our federal government. We've made phone calls to officials. We've filled out petitions and surveys. We've even called and written to radio shows and newspapers and magazines. But this was different.
This was standing out - making a political stand. In public. In a crowd (of close to 20,000 people!). On Parliament Hill.
And it was awesome!
It was awesome to be surrounded by so many who were like-minded. I'm sure we all didn't agree exactly - but we were all there for one reason: to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves. To stand up for life - from conception to natural death.
And a loud message was sent to Parliament. We need a federal law regarding abortion in Canada.
It is sobering that in a world where we work to save the whales, save the trees and save whatever else - we kill our own unborn children. In the name of "choice" and "rights". And the government covers the cost! Many in Canada (and outside of Canada, I'm sure) don't realize that Canada ranks the same as China and North Korea in it's lack of protection for the unborn.
We live in a country that won't cover the cost of routine eye examinations, some necessary drugs, eye glasses and other such necessary items - and items which are less costly than abortions, yet abortions are funded over and over!
When Canada got it's constitution, our abortion laws were deemed "unconstitutional" and Parliament was asked to deal with the issue. In 1988 (when I was expecting our first of five babies) it was brought up in Parliament, and yet Parliament failed to restrict abortions. And we have sat since then without any protections. Back in 1988 I couldn't deal with this issue: I'd seen our unborn baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks and knew he was a living being - how could people kill their unborn children? While I was trying to hang on to my pregnancy due to complications - the rhetoric went on and on..."At what time is a fetus a human being?", "What about women's choice?" "Women's bodies; women's choice". As our baby grew, and as I felt him move within me (and eventually his siblings) - I still heard the rhetoric being debated back and forth and I was ashamed.
Abortion is not the answer. There ARE alternatives. Chastity. Adoption.
Will Parliament listen? I hope and pray so. For the sake of our society, for our families, for our race.
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Canada has NO abortion LAWS!
Canada is the only country in the western world without abortion legislation. Only China and North Korea are in our company.
The mission of is to build a groundswell of support from across Canada for abortion legislation.