Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Forget you're a Christian!

Recently my friend Susanne posted about her son, Keegan, yelling out the door to his friend "Don't forget you're a Christian!" I told our kids about the post and we got a kick out of it but also a good discussion. The gist of the discussion was that we should all be as bold as Keegan to speak about our faith! How true!

"Don't forget you're a Christian!" has become a saying in our home. At first is was a joke, and now it's still said with humour, but also with a reminder of the boldness that we need. When my kids left with their friends the other day, I yelled "Don't forget you're a Christian!" Their friends looked at me oddly, but it was a starting point for a good conversation. When I left to deliver my papers the other day my daughter came out of her room, said "bye" to me and then said "Don't forget you're a Christian!" That got me thinking...

If we thought about our status as Christians more often, what differences would it make in our day-to-day lives? Would we respond differently to the annoying cashier at the store? Would we respond differently to the person who jutted out in front of us on the road? What about our conversations with our neighbours? Would we speak differently? Would we speak more boldly? How would we respond to the person who annoys us at church? How would we respond differently with our family members?

From the mouths of babes!

Yes, being a Christian is a way of life. It's who we are when we are saved by His grace. And it should affect our every choice, our every action.

Thanks, Keegan, for the reminder!


Monday, March 23, 2009


Last week we watched "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", a documentary by Ben Stein. It was very interesting and we recommend it. Of course this documentary is controversial and I'm not sure from what viewpoint Mr. Stein hails, but the documentary looks into allegations of scientists being denied tenure and even fired if they even mention the possibility of there being an "intelligent design" behind the creation of our world. Mr. Stein questions why scientists would get so angered at this possibility.

I'm not going to argue whether or not these allegations (about the documentary) are true or false, however, I do know that there is a bitterness that comes up (and even hatred) if Darwin's THEORIES (yes, I believe they are theories, not fact) are even questioned. Last week while driving home from visiting my mom I tuned into a talk show where the host was saying how stupid Christians are who believe that the ALMIGHTY GOD created the world. He was saying "How can they be so stupid to believe such a thing?" I thought, "How can you be so stupid to not believe it?? To believe that a "big bang" created all of the awesomeness of this earth instead?"

But I know "why?". Because I have faith and, as scripture says, creation all around me tells of His awesomeness and that He IS the creator! The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalm 19:1).

And besides that, science itself declares that God is the "Intelligent Designer". You don't have to believe that. But all around us, and even in the intricateness of our bodies, there is proof. Science has come a long way over the years, but it still hasn't been able to stop death, sickness, and the sorrows of this world. We can get transplants, but we need many drugs to avoid rejecting those life-saving transplants. People are living longer but they are still dying. The bible says "The fool says in his heart "there is no God." (Psalm 14:1). And I believe that.

Our family purchased this DVD last year and it's really good. We highly recommend it. You can choose to believe Darwin's theories, but I recommend that you at least consider the science that Dr. Jason Lisle shows in this DVD. Here's a synopsis of Dr. Lisle's DVD:

In 1859, Charles Darwin published his infamous work On the Origin of Species. More than any other, this single work changed the way the world viewed the origin of life and relied heavily on natural selection and mutation to support its claim. In this new DVD, astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle (Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder) systematically dismantles Darwin’s claims and shows that the very things Darwin used to propagate his ideas actually undermine them! Dr. Lisle also refutes the dating methods most commonly used to support the evolutionary timeline (billions of years). This DVD clearly shows that God’s Word is the final authority in all matters on which it touches—science included!
We highly recommend this DVD.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Good Reading!

I'd promised to have some book reviews on this blog last summer already! It hasn't been that I haven't read anything good, I just haven't posted about it here as promised! So now that we're all down & out here with the flu, I am doing some reading, I wanted to take this opportunity to recommend "The Claire McCall Series" by Harry Kraus, MD.

I got the first one out of our church library and avoided reading it because it looked like one of those typical Christian-ish love story novels where the beautiful woman has gone through so much trouble in her life and needs a good man, and gets exactly that. A handsome one too! HA! I hate predictable stories.

Well, these novels are not predictable in the least. Because they are written by a doctor, they are filled with medical jargon and information -- not overwhelming but informative and I found that it added another dimension to the story. I felt like I was learning something while being entertained by the story.

This series is about a surgeon-to-be who finds out that her father has Huntington's disease -- which means that she has a 50/50 chance of developing the disease herself. If she has it, it will put an end to her surgery career. That is the gist of the story -- there are many twists and turns and mini-stories throughout the book -- involving all kinds of issues and situations. Nothing predictable (IMO) or "typical".

I highly recommend the first two (Can I Have This Dance? and For the Rest of My Life) -- haven't read the third one yet...but I will as soon as it arrives! I will read more of Harry Kraus' books -- his writing is very, very good!
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