Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Forget you're a Christian!

Recently my friend Susanne posted about her son, Keegan, yelling out the door to his friend "Don't forget you're a Christian!" I told our kids about the post and we got a kick out of it but also a good discussion. The gist of the discussion was that we should all be as bold as Keegan to speak about our faith! How true!

"Don't forget you're a Christian!" has become a saying in our home. At first is was a joke, and now it's still said with humour, but also with a reminder of the boldness that we need. When my kids left with their friends the other day, I yelled "Don't forget you're a Christian!" Their friends looked at me oddly, but it was a starting point for a good conversation. When I left to deliver my papers the other day my daughter came out of her room, said "bye" to me and then said "Don't forget you're a Christian!" That got me thinking...

If we thought about our status as Christians more often, what differences would it make in our day-to-day lives? Would we respond differently to the annoying cashier at the store? Would we respond differently to the person who jutted out in front of us on the road? What about our conversations with our neighbours? Would we speak differently? Would we speak more boldly? How would we respond to the person who annoys us at church? How would we respond differently with our family members?

From the mouths of babes!

Yes, being a Christian is a way of life. It's who we are when we are saved by His grace. And it should affect our every choice, our every action.

Thanks, Keegan, for the reminder!


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