Thursday, June 07, 2007

Parliament Hill Flag -- to be mine (one day)

Hey -- guess what? YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST! I just ordered my FREE flag from Parliament Hill!!! Either from the Peace Tower or from the East or West Blocks. So I'm marking this down here and we'll see how long it takes for us to get it. The waiting list is -- um, 18 YEARS or 9 YEARS! So I will be 49 years old when we get it OR 58 years!! I'm becoming so patient, I amaze myself!! LOL ... ~D

Flag - waiting list
How can I add my name to the waiting list for a Canadian flag that has flown on Parliament Hill?

Send a written request that includes your full home mailing address and specifies which building's flag you wish to receive. (There is currently a 18-year waiting list for a Peace Tower flag and a 9-year waiting list for the East and West Block flags.) As a policy, only one flag is sent per household.

Send your request to:
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Office of the Minister
18A1, Portage III
11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC
K1A 0S5

or by fax to: (819) 953-1908 or by e-mail to:

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