Monday, April 13, 2009

Maison du Fort, Quebec City


My neice Emily and I were talking this past weekend about Quebec and Quebec City. I'd been thinking about Quebec since that's where Andrew & I went for the first week of our honeymoon and it was our anniversary on Saturday.

I still have a file of "wedding receipts and confirmations" so I hauled it out today and found how much we paid for our week's stay here -- $150. per person, including "daily continental breakfast, two dinners at "the table d'Hote", taxes and service. That was in 1987. The current price for the two-bedroom/kitchen penthouse suite that we had is $275. per night! (not sure if that's per person or not...)

It wasn't as beautiful in 1987 as it is now, but the views were spectacular -- we could see the Citidel from our kitchen and bedroom windows and the St. Lawrence River and Plains of Abraham from the livingroom windows. Since it is located in the old Quebec City, it is close to everything and the night views were spectacular! From the cobblestone streets to the horse & buggy rides -- lots of walking to do and places to see!

Climbing those stairs to the penthouse was probably the worst part! Lots of exercise!

We'd love to go back -- and maybe take the kids along for a taste of Quebec culture. Maybe one day!

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