This post has been simmering in my mind for a while... I've been Blogging for about 6 months and reading Blogs for much longer than that. At first, reading them felt like I was peering into people's private lives - but then again, they were the ones making everything public so I was not intruding! I enjoyed reading - finding out what friends and acquaintances have been up to - the kind of things that aren't always mentioned when talking to them. Little things mostly. The daily 'grind'. Sometimes I learned what things were bothering them - what they were thinking but not talking about - difficulties they were facing. Enlightening and sometimes a big waste of time.
I read Blogs from people that I didn't know, Blogs written by local people and people far away. Blogs written by young people and older people - some I knew, some I'd never met. Even came across Blogs written in other languages - so I could only enjoy their pictures. And while I've been working on getting the bugs figured out to get our internet filter working - I even came across a terribly BAD blog - one with pornography and other awful things. (Goes to show how dangerous surfing can be without proper eye and mind protection.) Blogs can be used for lots of good (keeping in touch, health updates such as the Miriam Blog, encouragement, recipes, household hints, money management etc.) but also for bad.
There are so many needy people online. I guess they're everywhere in this world - but are more open online. Recently I came across a Blog which mentioned a praise song that I was searching for the words for. The Blog writer was impressed with the song when he heard it - but labeled himself an atheist but he was pondering the stirring inside of him about the words of the song (which was a paraphrase of Psalm 23). This gave me the opportunity to comment on his Blog and encourage him to look to the Lord - who is The Shepherd (another Christian had also commented before my comment!). I have no idea who the Blog writer was - he lives far away from me - yet we connected over a computer & a bunch of wires! I prayed for this guy and told him that I was praying for him. I don't know where it led, if anywhere. But the seeds were planted. Opportunities like this are awesome! Does this ever happen in the shopping mall or grocery store? Rarely. What an opportunity!
But what has really been on my mind is the amount of 'Christians' Blogging but their language and topics aren't much different than the non-Christian. Sure there are the references to a good sermon, a good bible chapter read, a praise song that touched them, prayers needed or prayers given - but I've asked myself that if I wasn't a Christian, would I notice anything different about some Blog writers and those who refer to themselves as Christians? Tough question. You see, I feel that Blogging is a fun thing - but a definite privilege. With privilege comes responsibility. Where else can we share our faith so openly and the reasons for why we are different? Where else can we make these differences known to so many people? Where else can we share the Good News so publicly, and without major ridicule? Sure many Blogs don't get zillions of readers - but who knows? It's a tool that can be used for good or for bad.
Aren't Christians a changed people? If we call ourselves 'Christians' then we are saying that we are a follower of Christ Jesus. Would you say some of the the things that you write - in front of Jesus? Would you still have the same attitude if He were right here (and He is!)? Would you maybe be a little kinder? Would others see your faith more? Would anything be different?Yes I know that we all use words that we shouldn't - sometimes it is because of naivete and sometimes ignorance. But if we say it, we should know it's meaning or where it came from. Or we should look it up. None of us is perfect - I'm very much included in that category!! But we are still responsible to the Lord and the name 'Christian' for both our words and actions. Serious stuff!
Yes, we can have fun! Yes, we can joke. But is the joke at someone else's expense? Are you ruining - or messing up - with someone else's good name? Are you hurting anyone in your writing? Is it really innocent? What message is it sending to others? What are they learning about YOU? Are you showing respect for those that you don't really like? Those who aren't very nice? To those who are older than you? To non-Christians around you?
The bible speaks very clearly about what we should be involved in and what we shouldn't be involved in. It sets many guidelines and checks. Here is one passage that is a good guideline. Finally brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable -
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -
think about such things.
~Philippians 4:8~
P.S. Funny but the spellcheck here suggests 'flogging' as a replacement word for 'blogging' - hmmmm...