Tuesday, August 01, 2006


(this was our wedding text - a friend made this picture for us - thought it was appropriate here)

This really struck me as so amazing! Obviously our Lord is not bound by any man-made charts or statistics!

From Rebekah's blog... (Miriam's sister)

things i learned today
when anyone undergoes a severe tramatic experience, they are measured by what's called the "glasgow scale". this scale is measured out of 15--15 being like us...very much alive, and 3 being pretty much dead. miriam was measured at a 4 at the accident scene and later at the hospital. this is how it's broken down...

Glasgow Coma Score
The GCS is scored between 3 and 15, 3 being the worst, and 15 the best. It is composed of three parameters : Best Eye Response, Best Verbal Response, Best Motor Response, as given below :
Best Eye Response. (4)
1. No eye opening.2. Eye opening to pain.3. Eye opening to verbal command.4. Eyes open spontaneously.

Best Verbal Response. (5)1. No verbal response2. Incomprehensible sounds.3. Inappropriate words.4. Confused5. Orientated

Best Motor Response. (6)1. No motor response.2. Extension to pain.3. Flexion to pain.4. Withdrawal from pain.5. Localising pain.6. Obeys Commands.

*Note that the phrase 'GCS of 11' is essentially meaningless, and it is important to break the figure down into its components, such as E3V3M5 = GCS 11.
*A Coma Score of 13 or higher correlates with a mild brain injury, 9 to 12 is a moderate injury and 8 or less a severe brain injury.
Teasdale G., Jennett B., LANCET (ii) 81-83, 1974.

*90% less than or equal to 8 are in coma
*Greater than or equal to 9 not in coma
*8 is the critical score
*Less than or equal to 8 at 6 hours - 50% die
*9-11 = moderate severity*Greater than or equal to 12 = minor injury
*Coma is defined as: (1) not opening eyes, (2) not obeying commands, and (3) not uttering understandable words.

Rebekah's blog link: http://www.blogbybeck.blogspot.com/


Miriam remembers her family - she remembers names - she remembers her Lord - she can speak - she can stand (which she shouldn't do but did!) - she's healing both inside and out! AMAZING! Please continue to pray for her.

We serve an awesome God!


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