From my yours~
This morning I heard on the radio that 34 years ago the Roe vs. Wade abortion decision came down. There were various 'modern' women commenting on how great it's been for women and women's rights to have control over their own bodies. Very sad. Control over their own bodies? Since when did control over our own bodies mean the killing of our offspring? How have we, as women, allowed this to happen?
Abortion is not the answer to an unplanned pregnancy. And if you're thinking that it is, please think again. Seek out help from a Christian crisis pregnancy center - there are many around. Choose life! There are many couples out there who would love to adopt your child. And there is a community out there who will embrace you, and your child -- and help you along the way.
I know that this is a very controversial subject, and I'm not looking to start a debate. I'm just telling you my thoughts, since this is my blog -- and since I'm female and also a mother. I've felt new life - and I've seen the life inside of me when the pregnancy was only 6 weeks along! I've seen each of my unborn children's beating hearts! I've seen and felt the squirming of an unborn child. And I have been tremendously blessed!
I'm also telling you what God says. Life begins at conception. Every life is precious. "You made all my delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous -- and how well I know it. You watched when I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139
Yes, sometimes pregnancy isn't convenient. Yes, it can make life more difficult. Yes, children can cost us money. But what we don't calculate is the blessing that it is to have our own children in our lives! And it is very, very clear is that life is started and stopped by God. And God only. Abortion is murder, not a 'choice'. That's it.
And interesting thing about the Roe vs. Wade case is this:
"Jane Roe" switches sides
"Jane Roe," whose real name is Norma McCorvey, became a member of the pro-life movement following her conversion to Christianity, and now fights to make abortion illegal. In 1998, she testified as follows to Congress:
“It was my pseudonym, Jane Roe, which had been used to create the "right" to abortion out of legal thin air. But Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee never told me that what I was signing would allow women to come up to me 15, 20 years later and say, "Thank you for allowing me to have my five or six abortions. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible." Sarah never mentioned women using abortions as a form of birth control. We talked about truly desperate and needy women, not women already wearing maternity clothes.[11]
In a press conference held on January 18, 2005, McCorvey claimed that she was the "pawn" of Weddington, who was looking for a plaintiff to challenge the Texas state law prohibiting abortion. Using her prerogative as a party to the original litigation, she sought to reopen the case in a U.S. District Court in Texas and have it overturned. Her stance was based on claims made since the decision, claiming evidence of emotional and other harm suffered by many women who have had abortions, and increased resources for the care of unwanted children. On June 19, 2003, Judge David Godbey ruled that the motion was not made within a "reasonable time." The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals subsequently affirmed that decision. See McCorvey v. Hill, 385 F3d 846 (5th Cir 2004). On February 22, 2005, the Supreme Court refused to grant a writ of certiorari, ending McCorvey's appeal.
Choose life is right
Choose life is right
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