Monday, January 01, 2007

Three Responses to Jesus' Birth

Our sermon on Sunday morning was very thought-provoking. I'll attempt to summarize and share it with you (this is a very, very brief outline of what we heard, but enough - I hope - to make you think too!) -

Rev. Bro said that there were three responses to Jesus' birth in the bible:
(1) Hostility
(2) Indifference
(3) Worship

The Jews went back to their regular routines and believed that the Messiah had not yet come. Herod hated Jesus - he acted like He wanted to know Jesus, and worship Him, but he wanted to kill Jesus.

The leaders showed indifference. No interest. They were deaf to it's message. Rejection of Christ - who is on the throne - creates an attitude of indifference.

The magi came to worship Jesus. They were led by God's grace to visit and worship Jesus, the Christ-child. They were unlikely Christ worshippers - they were astrologers, which God's Word forbids. Yet they were led by a star and the Word of God - to see Jesus. They did not give up the search for the Messiah. They offered gifts with sincere gratitude to the Lord. They responded by falling down in worship to the King!

What is the attitude of our hearts?
How has this past Christmas affected us?
Are we just relieved that all of the busyness is over?
Is our life worship to the Christ-child - who is the Saviour?
Are we worshipping the King with our heart, soul, mind and strength?
What is YOUR response to Jesus' birth?

All nations will come to Your light. Mighty kings will come to see your radiance. Isaiah 60:3

1 comment:

SunnySusan said...

He was born to die...for our sins...thank the Father for His wonderful gift

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